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Otolaryngology Symptoms of ENT Disorders
How to Prevent ENT Disorders What Are ENT Disorders?
Ear, Nose, and Throat(ENT) Disorders Diagnosis of ENT Disorders
Symptoms and Diagnosis of ENT Disorders  

Otolaryngology(ENT Examination Unit)
Definition: Otolaryngology is the medical specialty which focuses on the treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the ears, nose, and throat (ENT). A physician in this specialty is called an otolaryngologist, or "an ENT". General ENTs treat allergies, sinus issues, voice disorders, cancers of the head and neck, and more. Subspecialties of otolaryngology include allergy and asthma, facial plastics, head and neck cancer, and voice disorders, to name a few.
Also Known As: ENT (abbreviation for ear, nose, and throat)
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How to Prevent ENT Disorders
There are many ways to prevent ENT disorders, though it is not always possible, as in the case of congenital conditions. However, multiple ENT disorders can be prevented. Here are some things you can do to prevent ENT disorders. Frequent hand washing is the single most important thing you can do to prevent infection. Avoid exposure to illness, and practice good hygiene, such as covering your mouth when you cough and staying at home when you are sick. Since it is difficult to teach good hygiene to small children, toddlers who attend daycare or preschool are at a higher risk of developing chronic ENT disorders.

Preventing Ear Infections
Ear infections are a common ENT disorder. They occur when germs enter the ear and become trapped there. Due to their infectious nature, there are many things you can do to prevent ear infections. Certain inherited traits, though, make some people, especially children, more prone to ear infections. Here are a list of ways to prevent ear infections:

Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke.
Identify and treat allergies.
Keep your child’s immunizations up to date.
Do not remove earwax unless your physician tells you to.
Preventing Sinus Infections
Sinus infections occur when germs enter one of the hollow cavities in the skull surrounding the eyes and nose. A sinus infection may feel like a very bad cold that doesn't go away after the usual 2 to 3 weeks. Here are some ways you can protect yourself.

If you have a cold, use a saline nasal spray (available over the counter) to keep your nasal passages from becoming blocked.
Do not fly if you have a cold. If you must fly, consider use of a decongestant and nasal spray 30 minutes before take-off.
Identify and treat allergies; long-term sinusitis is usually caused by allergies, while acute sinusitis is usually caused by bacteria.
Try using saline nasal spray daily for chronic sinusitis.
Preventing Sore Throat
There are many causes of sore throat, including infections, acid reflux, sleep apnea or more severe and rare disorders, such as cancer. A very common cause of sore throat is a bacterial or viral infection, so practicing good hygiene, such as frequent hand washing, is a good way to prevent sore throat. Here are some other suggestions:

Get plenty of rest and exercise to bolster your immune system.
Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke.
Do not spend long periods of time outside when the air quality in your area is poor.
Treat esophageal reflux.
Preventing Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition where a person stops breathing for brief periods of time while asleep. It is very common in the United States and can be harmful if left untreated. Fortunately, there are many treatments available, and sleep apnea can often be cured. Here are some good ideas to prevent or keep sleep apnea at bay.

Maintain a healthy body weight.
Avoid alcohol or sedatives at bedtime.
Identify and treat tonsillitis, nasal polyps or other disorders that can cause airway obstruction.
Quit smoking.
Not all ENT disorders can be prevented. Many depend on inherited traits; however, following these suggestions may serve to keep you healthier in the future. Hand washing remains at the forefront of disease prevention, along with other isolation practices, including coughing in to your sleeve and staying at home while you are sick. These guidelines can also help strengthen your immune system, decreasing the likelihood of catching an illness and limiting the amount of time you spend sick.
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Ear, Nose, and Throat(ENT) Disorders
By Kristin Hayes, About.com Guide to Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders

Learn how to cope with disorders of the ear, nose and throat, and how to prevent them in the future. Here you will find information on proper hygiene and changes you can make in your daily routine to prevent ear infections, sinus infections, strep infections, swimmer's ear and more.
Coping With ENT Disorders
Coping with any ENT disorder can be difficult particularly if the problem is ongoing. Our goal is to provide you with information to improve your quality of life. We hope you find the following tips helpful. Through our forum and other resources, you can find other individuals who may be in your situation and can offer support.
Prevention of ENT Disorders
Not all ENT disorders can be prevented but many can. If you have recurring infections or other chronic ENT problems, you may be able to make simple changes in your daily routine to improve your quality of life and start feeling better.
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Symptoms of ENT Disorders
There are many ENT disorders, and even more signs and symptoms associated with each one. The following is a list of symptoms of the most common ENT disorders. Not all people will experience the same set of symptoms, and you may have only some of the symptoms on the list.

Symptoms of an Ear Infection
Ear infections are one of the most prevalent ENT disorders. They occur when germs become trapped inside the inner ear. The Eustachian tube, a tiny tube that originates in the ear and drains in to the back of the throat, usually keeps unwanted germs out. If this tube is too small or becomes clogged by fluid and mucus, bacteria or other microbes may be able to enter the ear and cause an infection. Signs & symptoms of an ear infection include:

recent history of an upper respiratory infection
pain and pressure
loss of balance
difficulty hearing
ausea and vomiting
fluid discharge from the ear (this indicates perforation of the tympanic membrane)
Ear infections are more common in children. In fact, it is the most common infection in infants and toddlers. If your child has an ear infection, it may be difficult to detect. Here are some things you may notice about your child:

pulling or tugging on the ears
increased fussiness, especially at bedtime
fails to startle at loud noises or does not consistently respond to name
eating or drinking abnormally
Symptoms of Strep Throat
Strep is an abbreviation for a family of bacteria called "streptococci." Strep throat occurs when the throat and surrounding structures become infected with this germ. While strep throat is a common infection, many other infections have the same symptoms. You must have an actual strep test at your doctor's office to be certain that your symptoms are associated with a streptococcal infection versus a different bacterial or viral infection. Symptoms are usually abrupt in onset including:

red, sore throat
difficulty swallowing
enlarged tonsils
enlarged lymph nodes
white patches on the tonsils or in the back of the throat
body aches
skin rash (rare)
Notably absent in strep throat are a runny nose and cough. You may also suspect strep throat if you have been exposed to someone with a strep infection in the last two weeks. Children between the ages of 5 and 15 are most at risk. You are also more likely to get a strep infection during the winter months.

Symptoms of Sinusitis
Sinusitis occurs when a germ finds its way in to the hollow recesses of the skull that surround your eyes and nose. The infection can then become trapped there, causing inflammation, pressure and pain. Acute sinusitis is often secondary to a common cold, so you are more likely to get sinusitis during the winter months. Chronic sinusitis is sometimes an inflammatory disorder caused by untreated allergies or conditions, such as bronchial asthma. Sinusitis can last from weeks to years if left untreated. Symptoms of sinusitis are:

nasal discharge of various colors and consistency
Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
Apnea is a medical term meaning to stop breathing. Sleep apnea is a disorder causing one to stop breathing for brief periods of time while sleeping. Sleep apnea is a common disorder and can cause severe health problems if left untreated. If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, see a doctor. Symptoms include:

waking up frequently in the middle of the night
feeling unrefreshed upon awakening
daytime drowsiness
mood swings
waking up with a dry, sore throat
morning headaches
In addition to these symptoms, many individuals with sleep apnea have often been told by a spouse or other family member that they snore, gasp or choke while sleeping. Family members may have observed an episode in which you stopped breathing while asleep. You are more likely to have sleep apnea if you are overweight, have enlarged tonsils, take sedatives at bedtime or have inherited a shorter airway than the general population. People who are obese and have uncontrolled hypertension are more likely to have obstructive sleep apnea.

The majority of people will experience one or more of these disorders in their lifetime. While visiting with your physician, discussion of your symptoms may help your doctor to come up with a diagnosis of an ENT disorder.
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What Are ENT Disorders?
ENT is a medical abbreviation for ears, nose and throat. A doctor who specializes in treating these disorders is called an "ENT," or less commonly an otolaryngologist. Here are some examples of ENT disorders:

When the tonsils become inflamed for long periods of time, they may have to be surgically removed; this procedure is called a "tonsillectomy." Though tonsillitis used to be treated with tonsillectomy frequently, it is no longer the practice and is now only done in specific instances. When inflammation is severe enough, it can interfere with swallowing and breathing. Tonsil removal is indicated in cases of extreme obstruction of the airways or swallowing. Often tonsils are enlarged, swollen and painful during tonsillitis. Less absolute indications for tonsillectomy include: recurrent acute throat infections, chronic tonsillitis that does not improve with antibiotics, obstruction leading to bad breath or changes in voice. There are many causes of tonsillitis.

Ear Infections
Ear infections occur when germs enter the ear and become trapped there. Symptoms of ear infections include:

>hearing loss
>balance problems
>recent upper respiratory infections
>drainage from the ear (perforation of the tympanic membrane)
Small children are more likely to have ear infections. Signs of an ear infection in your child may include:

>irritability that escalates at bedtime
>balance problems
Some children may pull or tug at their ears. If the infection goes untreated for long periods of time, it can cause delays in their development, such as hearing and speech delays. If your child has chronic ear infections, your doctor may choose to surgically put small tubes inside your child's ear; these are called "myringotomy tubes."

Sinus Infections
Sinuses are cavities in the skull that surround the eyes and nose and are responsible for vocal resonance. Sinusitis occurs when these cavities become infected by a bacteria or virus. Symptoms of sinusitis include:

>difficulty breathing
>runny nose
>sneezing and coughing
>bad breath
>pain around the eyes or across the bridge of the nose
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a brief cessation of breathing while asleep. It can occur in both adults and children. Common causes of sleep apnea include:

>being overweight
>enlarged tonsils or other structures in the nose and throat
>having a naturally shorter airway than usual
Symptoms of sleep apnea include:

>witnessed episodes of snoring and gasping during sleep
>waking up feeling unrested
waking up with a very dry or sore throat
waking up several times during the night
If left untreated, sleep apnea can cause heart failure, depression, mood changes and other diseases. Treatment recommendations often include lifestyle and diet changes, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or in the case of airway abnormalities, ENT surgery.

It should be noted that while some ENT doctors are comfortable treating any disease involving the ear, nose and throat, others are more specialized. Be prepared to discuss your symptoms when you visit with your specialist. Other ENT disorders include hearing loss, vertigo, acid reflux, cancers of the ear, nose and throat and many more.
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Diagnosis of ENT Disorders
Many tests are used to diagnose ENT disorders. Regardless of your particular ailment, there is specific information you should always have ready for your physician to help him diagnose your problem. Here are some of the questions your doctor may ask:

What are your symptoms and when did they start?
Have you been taking any medications (over the counter, including vitamin and herbal supplements or prescription)? If so, your doctor will want to know the dosage.
Are you allergic to any medications? If so, what are they and what kind of reaction did you have?
Do you have a previous history of ENT disorders?
Do you have a family history of ENT disorders?
Do you have any other medical conditions?
Have you been running a fever?
Here are additional questions if the patient is a small child:

Has the child had nausea and vomiting? If so, has the child continued to have wet diapers?
Has the child been abnormally fussy or lethargic?
Has the child had balance problems?
Has the child's eating and drinking habits changed?
Has the child shown signs of decreased hearing, such as not responding to their name immediately or not startling at loud noises?
Diagnosis of Ear Infections
If you have signs and symptoms of an ear infection, your doctor will use an otoscope to visualize the outer ear and eardrum. If an infection is present, the ear may appear red and swollen. There may also be a fluid discharge. Unlike other infections, the exact bacteria that is responsible cannot always be determined. As such, doctors choose antibiotics that will cover the most likely organisms when they suspect a bacterial source. This is because it can be difficult to obtain a sample from the ear for a culture. Antibiotics will not cure a viral infection, and it can take as long as three weeks for your body to fight off the virus.

Diagnosis of Swimmer's Ear
With swimmer's ear, the outer ear and ear canal may be red. Upon examination, the doctor may notice pus in the ear canal, and the skin may be scaly or shedding. The doctor may be able to obtain a fluid sample for culture.

Diagnosis of Sinus Infections
If a sinus infection is suspected, an endoscope may be used to go up the nose and visualize the opening in to the sinus cavity and take a direct sinus culture. Nasal swabs are not useful due to false positive results that do not reflect the sinus pathogen. By endoscope, the doctor will be looking for inflammation and/or discharge. Four view x-rays or a CT scan may be indicated if other tests are inconclusive.

Diagnosis of Strep Throat
Strep throat causes enlarged reddened tonsils that sometimes have white patches on them; however, many viral infections can cause this as well. If strep throat is suspected, a throat culture will be taken and sent to the lab. This test is quick and easy to perform with only mild discomfort as it may cause a gagging sensation. A cotton swab is brushed against the back of the throat then sent to the lab to test for streptococcal bacteria, the cause of strep throat. The standard test can take 1 to 2 days; however, a rapid strep test can also be performed, which only takes a few minutes. If the rapid strep test is positive, antibiotics will be started. If the rapid strep test is negative, you will be sent home and the standard culture will still be performed. About 20% of negative rapid strep tests will become positive after a day or two in the laboratory. Sometimes your doctor may make the diagnosis based on classic symptoms and signs to treat you presumptively even without a swab.

Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder causing one to stop breathing for brief periods of time while sleeping. In your first visit, the doctor will begin by obtaining a comprehensive medical history. Before ordering a sleep study, he or she will likely ask some of these questions:

Have you ever been told that you snore?
Have you ever been told that you have stopped breathing while asleep?
Do you awake refreshed in the morning or do you suffer from daytime drowsiness?
Do you suffer from mood swings or depression?
Do you wake up frequently in the middle of the night?
The doctor will look inside your mouth for evidence of enlarged tonsils, uvula(a bell-like piece of tissue that hangs down from the roof of the mouth toward the back of the throat) or other structures that may be blocking the airway. The uvula contains some glands and affects vocal resonance. If the doctor suspects sleep apnea, they may order a sleep study. Sleep studies are usually conducted at a sleep center. After you fall asleep, a monitor, which measures the oxygen concentration in your blood, will be placed on your finger. Normal oxygen saturation during sleep in otherwise healthy men and women is 95% to 100%. If you stop breathing while asleep, this number will drop. Another sleep study used to diagnose sleep apnea is called a "polysomnogram." It measures not only the amount of oxygen in your blood, but brain activity, eye movement and muscle activity, as well as your breathing and heart rate.

Based on your present symptoms, your doctor may choose to use a combination of these tests to diagnose your specific disorder. He will then use this information to create an effective treatment plan.
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Symptoms and Diagnosis of ENT Disorders
By Kristin Hayes, About.com Guide to Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders

Here you will find information about symptoms and diagnosis of common ear, nose and throat disorders including breathing problems like snoring, sleep apnea, and deviated septum. Learn how to manage other symptoms such as pain and dizziness. Find out how these disorders are diagnosed and how to find a great doctor who will assist you in getting the help that you need.
ENT-Related Breathing Problems
ENT Unit,ENT Examination Unit,ENT Treatment UnitMany ear nose and throat disorders cause difficulty breathing. For example, enlarged tonsils and adenoids are a cause of sleep apnea. Deviated septum and nasal polyps can cause a constant feeling of stuffiness. Seasonal allergies also cause congestion and stuffiness. Here is some information on common ENT-related breathing disorders.
Pain in the Ear, Nose and Throat
Many ENT disorders can be painful. You may be wondering what your pain means and what you can do about it. Here is some basic information.
ENT Disorders That Cause Dizziness
Many ENT disorders cause dizziness (vertigo). If you are experiencing this for the first time, it can be frightening and debilitating. Because so many ENT disorders are accompanied by vertigo, it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the cause.
When to See a Doctor
Sometimes it can be difficult to differentiate a mild ENT disorder like the common cold from a serious condition. You should be aware of some specific symptoms that indicate professional medical intervention. Many tests are used to diagnose ENT disorders. Regardless of your particular ailment, there is specific information you should always have ready for your physician to help him diagnose your problem.
How To Find a ENT Doctor
If you're looking for a doctor, you may be at a loss as to where to start. The following tips will help you on your path to finding a physician who is right for you.
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